Tutu's Pantry
Tutu's Pantry is a program run by community volunteers that provides food to families in need from our school. It is dependent upon donations of time, food items, and monetary donations from our Steven's community.
Every other Friday, students served by the pantry receive a delivery of kid-friendly, easy-to-prepare meals and produce. Families can opt in or out of the program at any time during the year; the only thing required to participate in the program is to complete an Opt-In form. No financial information is ever asked for and all participant information is kept confidential.
Thank you for all you do to support this program. Research is clear that getting proper nutrition has a positive impact on a child’s ability to learn in school as well as play, grow, and form connections. The time, effort, and money that the community put into Tutu’s sets our children up to be their best selves now and in the future. Families depend on our assistance and are very thankful that it is available.
The Details:
The Big Green Bins. Located outside of "Tutu's Closet", to the right of the main office.
We encourage families who are able to participate to bring nonperishable items such as the examples below. Please only donate what you can:
hearty canned soups (such as Progresso or Chunky)
canned entrees (Ravioli, Spaghetti-Os and Chili)
single serve snacks (such as granola bars, fruit snacks, crackers, or fruit and pudding cups)
boxed Macaroni and Cheese
bags of rice, pasta, or dried beans
cans of pasta sauce
Monetary donations to Tutu's pantry are also much appreciated!
Made to the Stevens PTA, with the note of "Tutu's Pantry" to ensure your donation is allocated correctly.
Donations can be made via PayPal, checks, or cash.
All Year round. See below for food donation schedule by grade.
Complete your Opt-In Form and give it to your child's teacher or drop it off in the main office as soon as possible. There is no deadline for applying, all information is kept confidential, and you can sign your child up or drop out of the program at any time during the school year.
We provide to the students who are part of the program:
A delivery of food every other week that school is in session, containing 5 entrees, 2 breakfasts, fruits, veggies and 3 snacks.
Winter Wishes gift cards and big boxes of food for the holidays (Thanksgiving and Winter holidays)
Comp tickets to all Stevens community-wide events including Pancake breakfast and Carnival
To stock the pantry with food, we do the following:
A school-wide food drive where alternating grades are scheduled to make food/monetary donations to the pantry each week.
We use donated funds to shop for pantry items not met by food donation.
For the month of November, we have a school-wide Holiday Food Drive competition. The ‘winning classrooms’, 1 from K-2 and 1 from 3-5, get front row seats to see the trees delivered and dumped in the playground for Tree Sale.
Hold small fundraisers where we raise funds to supplement donations:
A Craft Table and Bake Sale at the Tree Sale to raise money to support the Winter Wishes gift card program and winter break food boxes.