The Budget
Stevens budget committee is open to everyone - the more perspectives we have, the more equitable budget we can build. Join us by emailing treasurer@stevenspta.org!
Our Timeline
Board Meeting Presentation
Committee Meeting
In Person & Virtual
Join via this link or come to the library for in person with childcare at Kids Club + food.
Share your opinion
Don't have the time to join the budget committee, but have something you'd like considered? Check out our form submissions:
Our Work & Our Purpose
Our Objective: Develop at least one budget option by March 7 (next PTA board meeting)
or March 21 (next general meeting). Finalize the budget for the May 16 meeting.
Our Job: Understand the scope of needs/wants/desires of our PTA membership and
community, build a budget that best represents the synthesis, and communicate the
outcome to the membership for their approval.
Our Process: Determine our priorities --> Allocate funds --> Balance the budget
1. Understand stakeholder priorities:
1a. Conduct community survey
1b. Engage stakeholders, report back
1c. Encourage proposals from stakeholders
2. Allocate funds: synthesize, bucketize, discuss, prioritize the priorities
3. Balanced budget: Start with a skeleton, apply our priorities, use what we’ve got, no
Who spends money? Who has a voice in how we spend money
1. PTA Race and Equity
2. TA programs (Community gatherings, Carnival, Pancake Breakfast, ect.)
3. PTA fundraising
4. School leadership (BLT grant)
5. Teachers (Classroom grants)
6. Tutu’s Pantry - generally cost neutral, raises and spends about the same
7. Enrichment (theater, music, art, academic)
Examples of past proposals and ideas
1. Class pictures for everyone
2. Funding online tools (i.e. Prodigy educational app)
3. Library
4. Diversity, equity and inclusion speakers & training
5. Water fountain install