How it Works
The Stevens After-school Enrichment (ASE) Program is a PTA-Stevens School partnership supporting fun and enriching activities for the students at Stevens. We are working to rebuild our after-school enrichment program after a long absence and are excited by the possibilities. Please read over the information on this site or the paper registration packet coming home in your child's backpack. We hope to see your student after school! Email programs@stevenspta.org with any questions or concerns. All classes run 2:35- 3:30pm (unless otherwise indicated) at Stevens.

Registration & Enrollment Process
Registration typically runs for about 1-2 weeks before class session with confirmation emails communicated at the end of the open enrollment period. Remaining space registration will be made available once the initial registration period is completed.
NOT FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! To ensure all families have a chance to discuss class options with their student and we have a fair opportunity to register, classes are not filled on a first come, first serve basis.
Families are welcome to register for multiple classes but enrollment is not guaranteed.
A limited number of seats are held for scholarship students in each class until end of the initial week of registration.
If a class is over-enrolled, a lottery system will be used to determine enrollment.
You will be notified by EMAIL if your student is enrolled in the class and payment will be requested via check or cash to be returned to school or online via PayPal.
If a class does not enroll sufficiently, it may be canceled.
Please provide your e-mail address and phone number – the program and its instructors need it to communicate with you.

Payment, Refunds, Financial Aid
Once your student has been CONFIRMED by email, please remit payment (Checks made to Stevens PTA or cash) and return to Stevens front office or pay via online link in your confirmation email.
If you withdraw from a class, you will receive a refund based on the following schedule:
Before the first day of class: full refund minus a $8 administrative fee.
After the first class but before the second class: 75% refund minus $8 administrative fee.
After the second class: no refund.
The PTA’s intent is that all Stevens’ students have the opportunity to participate in our Enrichment Program and is offering a Pay What You Can option. Only one reduced-fee class request per student per session. The PTA’s ability to grant aid is based on scholarship donations received, PTA budgeted support and by the generosity of vendors and instructors who offer scholarships in their classes.

Pickup Procedures
Students will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian, authorized person or released to Kids Club, if they attend.
No District transportation is available at this time for after-school enrichment activities.

Snack & Clothing
Snack (usually a granola bar) will be provided to each student attending the classes.
Please list any food allergies or dietary needs that your children may have.
Please send your children with clothing appropriate for their classes. Art can be messy!

Student &
Parent-Guardian Responsibilities
At Stevens, we have the expectation of respect for teachers/instructors and good behavior during classes. Students are expected to maintain the same behavioral standards that they would have during the formal school day. If an instructor determines this is not the case, the following steps will be taken:
At the first incident, the instructor/ASE Coordinator will call parents/guardians regarding student behavior.
The student will be given one trial class to improve.
If the disruptive behavior continues, the student will be removed from the class.
The program is unable to issue a refund if a student is removed from a class due to a behavior issue. Please discuss enrollment with your child to be sure they want to attend.
Parents are responsible for collecting their children promptly from afternoon classes. There will be no supervision for children after their class ends. If prompt pickup becomes an issue, your student may be removed from the class without refund for remaining classes. Unfortunately, we are not available to provide bus transportation for students participating.

Afternoon classes will be canceled if SPS announces an early end to the school day for weather or another concern. There are no refunds when a single session of a class is canceled because the District has altered that day's schedule through an early end or closure.
If a class does not enroll sufficiently, it may be canceled. You will be notified, and your fees refunded. A class meeting canceled by the instructor will result in a pro-rated refund.
Inclement weather, school closure, class cancellations